Multisector Strategic CommitteeFrom strategy to the realisation of a congress

The Multisector Strategic Taskforce identifies business opportunities for the Palais des congrès with support from over 20 seasoned professionals representing key Montréal industries.

Club des ambassadeurs Palais des congrès Montréal

At the heart of the ecosystem

The Palais des congrès de Montréal builds relationships with all stakeholders participating in the region’s economic development. Like the academic and research communities, the members of the business community are important allies for the Palais in its international event prospecting operations. It Multisector Strategic Committee (MSC) includes leaders from Montréal’s main economic sectors as well as senior executives representing industry clusters and research centers.

A standing advisory committee

Every year, the MSC’s work draws several events to the Palais.

The taskforce meets four times a year to:

  • Discuss issues specific to their industry
  • Act as an intermediary with the Palais business development team
  • Advise Palais senior management on trends and new developments in their industry
  • Validate strategic business decisions involving the hosting of national and international conferences

The impact of the MSC

The role of the members of the prestigious MSC is to assist the Palais team in identifying champions and bringing relevant events to its attention. In so doing, they forge ties with researchers, scientists and business managers who are likely to play an active role in confirming major international gatherings in Montréal by leveraging their respective networks.

The following industries are represented on the MSC



Arts and culture



Logistics and transportation


Nature and technology

Life sciences

Financial services

Information technologies

Smart and electric mobility

The role of institutions of higher learning

The Palais has always worked closely with institutions of higher learning to recruit local champions and advance its business development strategy. These Ambassadors in the making play a crucial role in identifying promising prospects for international conferences.

Its university partners include:

Hany Moustafa Palais des congrès Montréal

Chair of the Multisector Strategic Committee

Named an Ambassador in 2006, 2011 and 2018, Prof. Moustapha is an acknowledged leader of the Montréal aerospace industry. In addition to having established the Palais’s Major Events Committee – Aerospace, Moustapha is also Director of the Pôle Innovation 4.0 Hub, holder of the Siemens Research Chair on the Integration of Industry 4.0 Technologies and the NSERC/P&WC Industrial Research Chair on Propulsion System Integration and Optimization, and a Senior Research Fellow with Pratt & Whitney Canada.

Pr Hany Moustapha
Outgoing President of the Ambassadors Club

Robot Palais des congrès Montréal

Planning an event ?

Contact us > By email at [email protected] or by phone at 514 871-8122 or 1 800 268-8122 (toll-free in Canada)