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MTL Ambassadors 2021 powered by the Palais, the 2021 virtual edition of the Recognition Gala, offers you a thrilling 60-minute interactive experience, where you will have the opportunity to meet the new Ambassadors, and learn how you too could become an Ambassador and contribute to your field as well as the revival of the Montréal and Québec economy.
Grand Ambassador
Ms. Suzanne M. Benoît
Aéro Montréal
Ambassador appointed
Prof. Daniel Bélanger
Professeur émérite,
Université du Québec
à Montréal
75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry – ISE
Ambassador appointed
Prof. Guy Cloutier
Professeur titulaire,
Université de Montréal
IEEE IUS 2023 – International
Ultrasonics Symposium
Ambassador appointed
Professor Michael Jemtrud
Associate Professor,
McGill University
World Sustainable Built
Environment Conference – WSBE 2023
Ambassador appointed
Professor Michael R.M. Jenkin
Professor, York University
26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition – ICPR 2022
Ambassador appointed
Professeur Daniel Pearl
Professor titulaire,
Université de Montréal
World Sustainable Built Environment Conference – WSBE 2023
Ambassador appointed
Docteur Guy A. Rouleau
Docteur, Institut et Hôpital neurologique de Montréal
XXVI World Congress of Neurology – WCN 2023
Round table with Andrée-Anne Sauvageau and Marc-André Gemme, Managers, Business Development, International Market of the Palais and Ambassadors Fabrice Lebeau, Françoise Morency and Sylvie Cossette
Yves Lalumière, President and CEO of Tourisme Montréal, Fabrice Brunet, President and CEO of CHUM, Stéphane Paquet, PPresident and CEO of Montréal International, and Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal
If you like this idea, contact us! We can help you.
Participants will have the chance to win one of the following prizes, offered by some of the Palais’ most valued partners, as in the city’s major hotels, Capital Traiteur and OASIS immersion.
For the contest rules (available in French only):
Rebecca Makonnen
Journalist, radio & TV host
Caroline Proulx
Minister of Tourism
Valérie Plante
Mayor of Montréal
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
Fabrice Brunet
President and CEO
Yves Lalumière
President and CEO
Tourisme Montréal
Michel Leblanc
President and CEO
Chamber of Commerce
of Metropolitan Montréal
Stéphane Paquet
President and CEO
Montréal International
Sylvie Cossette
Ambassador appointed
Full Professor,
Faculté des sciences infirmières
(Nursing Faculty),
Université de Montréal
Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
Fabrice Labeau
Emeritus Ambassador
Deputy Provost (Student Life & Learning)
McGill University
Catherine Morency, Ph. D.
Ambassador appointed
Full Professor
Department of Civil,
Geological and Mining Engineering
Polytechnique Montréal
Hany Moustapha
Ph. D., C.Q.
President of the Ambassadors Club
Professor and Director,
Pôle Innovation 4.0
École de technologie supérieure
Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC)
Senior Research Fellow
Rémi Quirion
O.C., C.Q., Ph. D., m.s.r.c.
Ambassador Achievement Award
The Chief Scientist of Québec
Luc Charbonneau
Business Development and Strategic Alliances