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Montréal, May 28, 2024 – Montréal has been crowned the best destination for international association meetings in North America for an eighth consecutive year, according to the prestigious rankings of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), which includes some 10,000 events held around the world in 2023.
Montréal is confirming its place as a leading figure in North America based on the total number of events held. Indeed, the city tops the list in the northern hemisphere, ahead of major destinations such as Toronto, Boston, Chicago and Miami, in terms of association delegations welcomed. The city comes second behind Buenos Aires, for the Americas, and 25th in the world, surpassing cities like Sydney, Hong Kong, Edinburgh, Kyoto and Munich.
This resounding success is the result of the close collaboration between Tourisme Montréal and the Palais des congrès de Montréal as well as the common vision shared by all of the city’s stakeholders. Thanks to their dynamism, their know-how and their dedication to service excellence, these teams have contributed to hosting around thirty major events such as the Annual Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis with 5,300 delegates, the International Council of Nurses World Congress with 4,900 delegates and the InCyber Forum with 2,500 delegates.
When considering the full picture of business tourists in the city, more than 870,000 Canadian and international visitors and delegates were welcomed at the Palais des congrès, in universities and in hotels in 2023. In total, 475 business events took place in Montréal, including 288 at the Palais des congrès alone, contributing to economic impacts of around $425 million for Montréal and Quebec.
This recognition not only reflects the expertise of all the players in the Montreal tourism sector but also highlights the commitment of professionals from the scientific, academic, and research sectors with whom we closely collaborate in hosting international association events. By taking place here, these events allow our key industries and their specialists to shine on a global scale. I thank our Ambassadors for their valuable involvement, which helps generate significant economic, intellectual, and social benefits for Montreal and Quebec.
– Emmanuelle Legault, President and CEO of the Palais des congrès de Montréal
The fact that Montréal is at the top of the list for the eighth consecutive year testifies to the vigor and dedication of the teams at the Palais des congrès and Tourisme Montréal. Business travels is greatly beneficial for the city and the province from an economic point of view, but also in terms of the cross-pollination of scientific knowledge that it allows between our institutions and researchers around the world. I am honored by this recognition, and I congratulate the teams who have allowed us to distinguish ourselves this year again.
– Yves Lalumière, President and CEO of Tourisme Montréal