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Harmonious labour relations
The Palais des congrès de Montréal enjoys good labour relations predicated on respect and professionalism. No scheduled event, going all the way back to when the Palais opened in 1983, has ever had to be interrupted due to a labour conflict involving the managing corporation or its suppliers. The latter are actually required to continue to operate in the event of a labour dispute. The members of the Palais staff have always been dedicated to customer service, and their level of professionalism is widely recognized.
Initial contract: From 2012-07-01 to 2026-03-31 Options: The Société will return for tenders at the end of the contract. | TEAMSTERS 9393 Edison Street, Local 100 Montréal (Québec) H1J 1T4 Labour-Union Advisor: Mr. Jean-Gilles Gemme Tel : 514 355-1110, ext. 235 End date of collective agreement: 2025-07-31 |
Initial contract: From 2021-02-28 to 2024-02-27 Options: From 2024-02-28 to 2025-02-27 From 2025-02-28 to 2026-02-27 The Société will return for tenders at the end of the contract. | FTQ Section Local 800 (FONDS DES TRAVAILLEURS DU QUÉBEC) 920 Port-Royal Street East Montréal (Québec) H2C 2B3 Labour-Union Advisor: Mr. François Rollet Tel : 514-385-1717 ext : 282 End date of collective agreement: 2024-11-01 |
Initial contract: From 2024-06-01 to 2027-05-31 Options: From 2027-06-01 to 2028-05-31 From 2028-06-01 to 2029-05-31 The Société will return for tenders at the end of the contract. | MÉTALLOS (LOCAL 9599) 2350, AVENUE DE LA SALLE Montréal (Québec) H1V 2L1 End date of collective agreement: 2027-05-01 |
Initial contract: From 2023-06-01 to 2024-05-31 Options: The Société will return for tenders at the end of the contract. | MÉTALLOS (LOCAL 9599) 2350, AVENUE DE LA SALLE Montréal (Québec) H1V 2L1 Labour-Union Advisor: Ms. Sara Coté Pilon Tel : 514-924-3005 [email protected] End date of collective agreement: 2024-05-01 |
Initial contract: From 2022-10-16 to 2025-10-15 Options: From 2025-10-16 to 2026-10-15 From 2026-10-16 to 2027-10-15 The Société will return for tenders at the end of the contract. | MÉTALLOS (LOCAL 8922) 310-4115 Ontario Street Montréal (Québec) H1V 1J7 Labour-Union Advisor: Ms. Lucie Rochon President of Local 8922 Tel : 514 522-8922 or 1 800-361-2917 End date of collective agreement: 2027-07-04 |
Initial contract: From 2023-06-01 to 2024-05-31 Options: | FEESP – CSN 1601, avenue De Lorimier Montréal (Québec) H2K 4M5 Labour-Union Advisor: Mr. Guillaume Forest Allard Tel: 514-598-2376 End of date of collective agreement: 2025-08-31 |
Palais’ employees (regular and part-time) | Contract: From 2020-04-01 to 2023-03-31 | CSN*(CONFÉDÉRATION DES SYNDICATS NATIONAUX) 1601, avenue De Lorimier Montréal (Québec) H2K 4M5 Labour-Union Advisor: Alexandre Martin-Dufresne Tel: 514 598-2231 End of date of collective agreement: 2023-03-31 |