Carbon-neutral eventsPalais Boréal: a unique, simple, and effective program

In collaboration with Planetair , a leader in climate change awareness and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions offsetting, the Palais has developed Palais Boréal, an innovative program for hosting carbon-neutral events.

Évènement Palais des congrès Montréal
Palais des congrès Montréal

What is a carbon-neutral event?

A carbon-neutral event is organized and carried out in such a way as to minimize GHG emissions throughout the entire event life cycle and to offset emissions that cannot be reduced.

Why organize a carbon-neutral event?

  • To help combat climate change
  • To raise participant awareness by setting an example
  • To make your event more competitive

The Palais offsets GHGs stemming from its business development operations.

All travel conducted by our business development team is now GHG-neutral.

Palais des congrès Montréal

A 5-step program

Palais Boréal is a turnkey program that reduces the environmental impact of an event. Our partner Planetair guides planners and exhibitors through five simple steps and certifies your event as carbon neutral, complete with an official logo that will position you as an environmental leader.

For more information on the Palais Boréal program, consult the

Palais Boréal’s five steps

Quantify GHG emissions

Quantifying GHG emissions is about getting a complete picture of the climate impact of your event. To facilitate this process, Planetair has developed a calculator that accounts for various sources of GHGs, which are listed in the Guide.

The good news is that the Palais is a carbon-neutral building, so no energy costs need to be factored in for the convention centre in the calculations.

Reduce GHG emissions

Our Guide provides a comprehensive list of quick actions that can be taken to reduce an event’s GHG emissions. Whether they are  related to resource use, procurement, meals, transportation or even technology, it provides sound advice on how to curb the event’s environmental impact.

Offset GHG emissions

After reducing GHG emissions through the implementation of actions, the next step is to neutralize residual, and therefore irreducible emissions by purchasing quality carbon offset credits. Planetair supports and offers the best offset credits on the voluntary carbon market, i.e. credits that are Gold Standard certified, the strictest standard in the field of carbon emissions reductions.

Find carbon-neutral funding for your event

There is a cost associated with holding a carbon-neutral event, but different options exist for funding the environmental commitment. Folding the cost into the registration fee, soliciting a voluntary contribution from participants, or using a sponsor interested in carbon-neutral ventures, are different ways to finance this sustainable investment that will benefit everyone.

Encourage participants to offset their travel

This step is not required to certify your event carbon neutral, as you cannot be held accountable for your participants. Nevertheless, you can use the online platform operated by the Palais and Planetair to quickly calculate, and offset the GHGs related to travel, regardless of their means of transportation.

Accueil Palais des congrès Montréal

How to organize a carbon-neutral event?

Tell your Palais event manager you’re interested in the Palais Boréal program.

Contact us >

+1 514 871-8122 / 1 800 268-8122 (toll-free in Canada)