Congress of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis: time for new blood!

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The International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress 2023 (ISTH 2023) is a winning bet for the eminent Dr. Susan Kahn, Professor of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Congress Co-Chair and Ambassador of the Palais. “I’m very happy with the way the congress has gone. It was a great success. People enjoyed the Palais and I also received very positive comments about the city of Montreal.”

Nearly 5,000 participants came from all over the world to attend numerous lectures, master classes and research presentations on thrombosis (blood clots), hemostasis (bleeding disorders) and vascular biology.

A congress focused on the next generation

Alongside Dr. Marc Rodger, also a Professor in the Department of Medicine at McGill University and co-chair of the congress, Dr. Susan Kahn was delighted to be able to offer young researchers opportunities for exchange with senior professionals in the field. “The congress was a great opportunity for them to present their work and get immediate feedback.” The central theme of the congress was to support and encourage young talent in the field of scientific research.

Over five days, numerous research results were presented, as well as new technologies enabling a better understanding of certain blood and vascular pathologies. A promising omen for the advancement of medical practices and the well-being of patients.

Next year’s congress will be held in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Listen to our exclusive interview with the eminent Dr. Susan Kahn, Professor of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal, and Co-Chair of the ISTH 2023 Congress.

Photo : © International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis