Ambassadors from the Club

Celebrating a community with remarkable dedication

Ambassadeurs Palais Gala 2022

The Palais des congrès de Montréal Ambassadors are exceptional individuals whose work and dedication have helped bring major conferences to the city since 1985. Thanks to their determination, these men and women of influence are not only turning the world’s spotlights on their own fields of expertise, they are also strengthening Montréal’s reputation as a centre of knowledge and a hub of innovation.


Kathy Baig, Dre Elena Bennett, Eric Blond, Pr Adel Francis, Pr Dominic Frigon, Jean Habimana, Pr David Juncker, Brian Mustard, Dr Momar Ndao, André Rancourt, Diane Séguin, Pr David Widory, Pr Karim Zaghib

Pr Charles Audet, Alain Bourque, Pr Neil Burford, Pr Francesca M. Kerton, Pr Bruce Lennox, Benoit Pelletier, Dr Jean-Pierre Routy, Pr Howard D. Rundle, Dr Marc Steben

Pr Daniel Bélanger, Pr Guy Cloutier, Pr Michael Jemtrud, Pr Michael R.M. Jenkin, Pr Daniel Pearl, Dr Guy A. Rouleau

Pre Kim M. Baines, Denis Coderre, Pre Sylvie Cossette, Pre Fiona Darbyshire, Dre Nancy Feeley, Dre Josée Filion, Pr Réjean Hébert, Dre Mélanie Henderson, Dre Kirsten Johnson, Pre Catherine Morency, Pre Jacinthe Pepin, Pre Louise Potvin, Pr Rémi Quirion, Pr Martin Trépanier, Dre Marie-Pierre Thibodeau, Dre Tomoko Takano, Dre Julia von Oettingen

Pr Wahab Almuhtadi, Pr Karim Benyekhlef, Dominic Bruneau, Pr James J. Clark, Pr Denis deBlois, Ibrahim J. Gedeon, Pr Fabien Gélinas, Pr Ali Hafez, Dre Susan Kahn, Pr Fabrice Labeau, Pre Lyne Lalonde, Pre Shirley Lehnert, Pre Yola Moride, Pr Hany Moustapha, Pre Joelle Pineau, Pre Doina Precup, Dr Marc Rodger, Pr Jan Seuntjens

Pr Philippe Archambault, Francis Brown, Denis Coderre, Pierre-Luc Desgagné, Sara Iatauro, Pr Fabrice Labeau, Dr Denis-Claude Roy, Jonathan Sasson, Dr Simon Tanguay

Daniel Bouthillier, Jean-Ernest Célestin, Denis Coderre, L’honorable Sheila Copps, Pr Gregory Dudek, Alain Dufour, Pierre Giovenazzo, Dr Pavel Hamet, Michel Landry, Dr Sylvain Lanthier, André Leclerc, Pr Nicolas Moitessier, Philippe Pichet, Roxane Pitre, Pr Mohamad Sawan, Dr Alexander Thiel, Dr Claude Verreault, Pr Gordon Young

Dr Fabrice Brunet, Claude Carette, Dre Karen R. Cohen, Dr Jacques Corcos, Michael De Santis, Carl Desrosiers, Pr Jean-Marie Dufour, Dr Jerzy Maciej Floryan, Nicolas Girard, Michel Labrecque, Dr Vasile Minea, Pr Roger Nkambou, Marc Parent, Serge Tremblay

Dr Michel Béland, Dr Jean Gotman, Wagdi Habashi, Guy Lachapelle, Richard Villemur

Dr François Audibert, Dre Justine Farley, Dr Michel Gagner, Pr Ferri Hassani, Dr Suong V. Hoa, Guy Lachapelle, Dre Michèle Marcotte, Pr Hany Moustapha, Stéphane Paquin, Dr Louis Roy, Dr Peter A. Vamos

Alexandre Sigouin-Duquette, John Eggena, Luc Rabouin, Jayne Engle, Pr Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Dr Michel Beland, Pr Ferri Hassani

Bernard Courtois, Pr Louis Delbaere, Lucie Dumas, Pr Diego Mantovani, Dr Pierre Talbot

Pre Lucie Sauvé, Jean St-Gelais, Dr Michael R. Stinson, René Walling

Dre Jane Barratt, Émile Bouchard, Dr Fernando Cervero, Dr François Coutlée, Dr Édouardo Franco, Florent Francoeur, Dr Michel Gélinas, Dr Thomas Hudson, André Leclerc, Dr Marc Steben, Pr Philippe Tanguy

Dr Michel Béland, Dr Serge Gauthier, Pr Jacques Gresset, Pr Peter J. Jones, Pr Hany Moustapha, Dr André Petit, Dr Jean Raymond, Pr Arvind Sharma

Dr Gaston Chevalier, Dr Emanuel Escher, Dr Marc Garneau, Sylvain Loranger, Dr William D. Lubell, Dre Joane Parent, Roland Proulx, Pr Gordon G. Shepherd, Pre Ann Sutton, Dr Alain Vadeboncoeur, Dr Laurent Vanier, Pr Ke Wu

Dr James J. Beaudoin, Dr Serge Bélisle, André Caillé, Me Richard Drouin, Nicole Dubreuil, Dr Denis Forest, David M. Green, Louis-Philippe Lefebvre, Marie-José Nadeau, Sylvain Pelletier, George Weber

Dr Pierre Assalian, Rémi Boucher, Luc Chabot, Susan Diening, Dr Frank G. Müller, Dr Sergei N. Orlov, Pr Jean-Pierre Revéret, Dr Emil Skamene, Dr Sean Taylor, Michel Wong Kee Song

Pr Robert Carpentier, Dr Gaston Chevalier, Dr Jacques Corcos, Pr Richard Fedorak, Dr Rick S. Fraser, Dr Francis H. Glorieux, Ian Langlais, Dr Leonard Lillie, Dr Jonathan L. Meakins, Bruno Paquet, Louise Roy, Jacques Taillefer, Robert J. Vézina

Louis P. Brisson, Dr John Denstedt, Normand Laberge, Nigel Martin, Réal Paré, Dr Philippe Robaey, Aly M. Shady

André Bernard, Venant, Cauchy, Marc Fluet, Dr Eduardo L. Franco, Roger Galipeau, Yves Gratton, Jean A. Guérin, Gaétan Guertin, Bernard Hamel, Dr Michel Lafortune, Dre Jane McCusker, Gilles Read, Dr Ernesto L. Schiffrin, Joan Westland

George H. Boynton, Roland Chammas, Dre Christine Colin, Michael S. Davis, Dr Salim Daya, Dr Jacques Gagné, Pr Charles Leblanc, Christian Moreau, Dre Marianna M. Newkirk, Pr Yves Prairie, Dre Sarah S. Prichard, Jacques Régis, Dr Emil Skamene, Dr Ashok K. Srivastava

Dr Claude De Montigny, Dr Ghislain Devroede, Me Richard Drouin, Jean-Yves Gagnon, Arlène Gaudreault, Ivan Hale, Dr Jeremy P.W. Heaton, Paul Johnston, Douglas J. Marshall, Dr Carlos Ramon Morales, Dr Ervin B. Podgorsak, Line Robillard, Serge Roy, Pr Irvin Waller

1997 Jacques Auger, Dr Geoffrey A. Barker, Gary Bernstein, Somen Chowdhury, Dr Alan C. Evans, François Fournier, Dre Carolyn Ruth Freeman, Alphonse M. Galluccio, Monique Lefebvre, Michel Letendre, Jacques Prescott, Aly M. Shady, Dre Dominique Tessier, Dr Irving W. Wainer, Dr Bruce H. Williams

Dr Luc Bessette, Richard A. Bolton, Pierre D. Brodeur, Dr Nicholas Dainiak, Dr Pierre Daloze, Carl Filiatreault, Dr Ronald D. Guttmann, Dr Marvin L. Kwitko, Gilles Pronovost, Aly M. Shady, Marc Tranchemontagne

Dr Maier L. Blostein, Dr Gilles R. Dagenais, Christian Dubé, Lynn Duranceau, Dr Mostafa M. Elhilali, Dr Bernard J. Lapointe, Pierre-Paul Leduc, Maurice Morin, Dr Albert J. Nantel, Dr Farouk A.M. Rizk, Dr Normand Sullivan, Dr Luc Valiquette

Jean-Pierre Carrière, Dr André C.H. Duranceau, Dr Peter Hunton, Dr Pierre Labrosse, Huguette Picard, Dr Fernand A. Roberge, Pierre M. Valiquette

Dr Elliot Alpert, Pr Nabil Antaki, Jean-Marc Bard, Gil Constantini, Me Brahm M. Gelfand, Dr Philip Gold, Michel Hamelin, Serge Lambert, Jean-Denis Lizotte, Dr Balfour M. Mount, Jean-Claude Robert, Jean-Pierre Wallot

Dr Alain Beaupré, Dr Michel G. Bergeron, Dr B.C. Blevis, Caroline Bouchard, Joan S. Colbourn, Dr Renato De Mori, Danielle Debbas, Christopher Gillespie, Jacques Légaré, Dr André Lussier, Dr Jean-Luc Malo, Dr Richard Morisset, Dr Robert Prescott, Denyse Provost-Cauchy, Pr Mark A. Wainberg, Dr Michel Zummo

Dr Pierre Audet-Lapointe, Monique Brière, Dr Fern Cramer, Louis J. D’amore, Dr Jean Davignon, Dr Jacques De Champlain, Norman F. Eaton, Dr Morrie M. Gelfand, Robert Mitchell, Dr Robert Emery Prud’homme, Dr Gordon R. Sellery, Dr Maurice Thibault, Dr Peter Vamos 

Dr Claude B. Aubé, Gilbert Drouin, Jean-Pierre Gauvin, Dr Philip Gordon, Dr Raymond L. Granger, Dr Yves Lamarre, Jean-Claude Lauzon, Dr Richard Morisset, Yves Sanssouci 

Dr David Bélanger, Dr Radan Capek, Dre Raymonde Chartrand, Dr Michel G. Côté, Dr Francis H. Glorieux, Dr Mathias Kalina, Bernard Lamarre, Dr Jean-Marie Rodrigue, Dr Michel E. Sabourin, Dr Frank E. Shamy, Claude Vézina, Dr Josef Vobecky 

Me Jean Bazin, Dr Thomas Ming Swi Chang, Dr Gaston Chevalier, Me Jean-Bernard Coupal, Gilles Demers, Pierre Donato, Dr Roger A. Dufresne, Claude Duhamel, Gilles Dupuis, Graham Fagan, Dr William Feindel, Claude Genest, Dr Harvey Giesbrecht, R.A. Joss, Murray D. Lester, Yves Mondoux, Dr Richard Morisset, Dr René Simard, Dr Charles Sorbie, Edward O. Villeneuve, Dr Leonhard S. Wolfe  

Jacques Beaudet, Dr Jean-Paul Bossé, Venant Cauchy, Hubert Chamberland, Guy Descary, Dr Morris Duhaime, Jacques Francoeur, Dr Pavel Hamet, Dr Michel Lesage, Denis Longtin, Kempton L. Matte, Dr Max Palayew, Margaret Ann Smith, Sol Tolkin, Dr Clément Trudeau